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Important Notice: Safe use of Diisocyanates

At NCH, we are dedicated to ensuring the highest standards of safety and environmental care in all our operations and products. This commitment extends to informing our customers about specific substances such as Diisocyanates in our products that we are reducing / removing.


What are Diisocyanates?

Diisocyanates are a family of highly reactive chemical compounds used extensively in the production of polyurethane products. They are crucial ingredients in the manufacture of flexible and rigid foams, fibers, coatings such as paints, varnishes and elastomers.

These compounds are known for their excellent binding properties, contributing to durability, flexibility and insulation in various products. Common types of diisocyanates include Toluene diisocyanate (TDI). Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) and Hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI).

Despite their widespread use and benefits, Diisocyanates can pose health risks if not handled correctly. Exposure to Diisocyanates can lead to respiratory issues, skin irritation and other health concerns; particularly in industrial settings.

European Regulatory Compliance and Timing

In accordance with the European Chemicals Regulation (REACH), as of August 24 2023, mandatory training is required in the EU for the industrial or commercial use of products containing Diisocyanates where the free Diisocyanate content is equal to or greater than 0.1%. This regulation is essential to ensure that operators understand and mitigate the health risk associated with these chemicals.

More detailed information can be found in the link below from ECHA

ANNEX XVII TO REACH – Conditions of restriction

Note – The UK under UK REACH has also adopted the same timeline.


The responsibility for ensuring that all operators are properly trained and certified rests with the end-user company. This training should comprehensively cover the safe handling of restricted Diisocyanate-based products, encompassing safety measures, first-aid procedures and proper usage techniques.

Documentation and Refresher Training

Operators must have documentary evidence of attending and successfully passing the training. To maintain compliance, refresher courses are required every five years.

NCH’s Commitment to Safer Alternatives

NCH has many alternative products for similar applications where restricted Diisocyanate containing products may be used. Where applications are difficult to find a good alternative at present, then we are focused on reducing levels to near zero.

Your Safety and Compliance

We recommend our customers adhere to these regulations for the safety of their operators and the environment. Proper training in handling restricted Diisocyanates products is not only a regulatory requirement, but a critical practice for maintaining a safe work environment.

For more information on alternative products, please reach out to your local representative. We are committed to helping you choose the safest and most suitable products for your needs.

Thank you for your cooperation and for joining NCH in prioritising safety and regulatory adherence.

If you would like further information, please contact our Maintenance team:

Article Overview

Publish date

20 March 2024


Pipe repair

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